Saturday, August 27, 2011

Atlantic Beach

Atlantic Beach
Atlantic Beach welcomes new visitors and vacationers back with a hot sun and a wealth of activities. Enjoy the beautiful beaches and major attractions, while enjoying the historic beauty, heritage and amazing the area is known for.
They say there are at least 101 things to do on the coast of crystal, and we say with certainty that it is true. Atlantic Ocean and the Intracoastal Waterway and rivers winding, water-activities include boat tours, cruises, scuba diving, Tours Ecology, fishing piers and fishing, kayaking and boat rentals and more. Atlantic Beach offers one of the best dive destinations in the United States and its natural beauty is unmatched.
The story is also a major attraction at the Crystal Coast. Visitors can enjoy many fun activities along the beach of the Atlantic. For family fun, miniature golf, bumper cars and jetskis fabulous diversions.
Local heritage is also indicated in attractions such as the historic site and museum Core Sound Waterfowl. Skilled craftsmen also gathered along Atlantic Beach. Galleries, arts and entertainment and craft sales abound.
The Crystal Coast is a golfer's paradise with many top flight courses to choose from. With several golf courses in the region, such as Brandywine Bay, Star Hill and Silver Creek Golf Course, you can play from sun up to sundown.
Fall offers the North Carolina Seafood Festival the first week in October on the waterfront of Morehead City and Atlantic Beach King Makerel tournament in September.
Whether in spring, summer or fall, the beautiful Crystal Coast has something to offer everyone. Atlantic Beach offers the serenity of a lazy one week holiday and a weekend. Call our location in Atlantic Beach real estate and blue water vacation to find your "little place in the sun" today.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How to query windows azure diagnostics for a time range?

Windows Azure Diagnostics stores data in Azure Table. Unfortunately, Azure Table only supports a single index, which means queries that don't use the index are dog slow.  In azure terminology, that index is the partition key, and Windows Azure Diagnostics sets the partition key on your behalf using the following formula:     0 + DateTime.Ticks

You can generate the Partition key query in powershell for all logs after 7/15 by doing:
PS C:\> "PartionKey gt '0$((Get-Date '2011/7/15').Ticks)'"
PartionKey gt '0634462848000000000'

For the curious, gt is the greater than operator in Azure Table, which is based on ADO.Net DataServices, which is now called WCF Data Services, which is  OData.

Monday, August 8, 2011

F# and the immediate window

(This post is inspired from this Stack Overflow question)

F# debugger integration is quite good, except for the immediate window. The immediate window requires C# style syntax, so calling F# functions is not intuitive. Below are recipes for the immediate window integrated into a console application. As always code can be found here:

// Learn how to use the immediate window for F#.
module Program=

// To build, add a reference to Microsoft.CSharp. This is required for dynamic support in
// the debugger.
let allowDynamicToWorkFromImmediateWindowByLoadingCSharpBinders = Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.CSharpBinderFlags.BinaryOperationLogical

let plusOne = (+)1
let xPlusOnes = [1;2;3] |> plusOne

let main (args) =
printfn "Try the following in the immediate window:
// plusOne 4

// Seq.Head xPlusOnes

// let xPlusTwos= xPlusOnes |> plusOne
// Seq.Head xPlusTwos
var xPlusTwos = Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.SeqModule.Map(plusOne,xPlusOnes);

let returnValue = 1

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Using Ads to get free DropBox storage space.

(I did not "invent" this idea, someone told me about it. I figure you'll be interested in the experience, it was rather surprising for me.)

Google makes money on ads, oodles and oodles of it. Up until today, I never "understood" the value of ads.  Today, I got a chance to use ads, here is my story:

Dropbox is a storage service, if your friend signs up by clicking your referral URL, both you and your friend get 250MB of free storage up to 8GB of storage. This means if you can get 32 (8GB/250MB) friends to sign up you get lots of free storage.

As you can imagine, I don't have 32 friends, so the question is how do I get people to click on my URL? Ads!  I signed up for a Google AdWords account, and created an add which read - "Download DropBox and get free 250MB of storage". Here are the stats from my experiment:

  • Total Cost: $15.00
  • Cost/GB:$1.87/GB
  • Impressions (number of times add shown): 3.6K
  • Clicks: 257
  • Average Cost per Click 0.06
  • Conversions (times people installed DropBox after clicking) : 32

In this experiment each of impressions -> clicks -> conversions, is a 10x decrease, which seems astronomically high to me.  Seriously, 1 in a 100 people who saw my ad signed up for DropBox.  No wonder eyeballs are so valuable!

A final note for the clever among you, would it have been cheaper to purchase storage from dropbox instead of paying for ads?  DropBox pricing is $2.40/GB/Year,  and worse you can only purchase it in increments of 50GB.  Thus, using ads and the referral system is a good deal.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Using WinDBG/CDB and SOS to find a thread given a ManagedThreadId

CDB and SOS have more power than most people realize, I’ll use this post to show some some handy cdb/sos tricks while at the same answering the simple question of which thread a ManagedThreadId maps to.

At the end of this post you’ll be able to:

  • Map a ManagedThreadId to the correct thread ordinal
  • Use CDB to convert from decimal to hex
  • Pipe CDB commands through pipeline commands like findstr

Full source for the simple app below can be found here. In the below app we want to figure which thread we’re running on so we can inspect the stack.

    internal class Program
private static void SleepForever() { Thread.Sleep(Int32.MaxValue); }

static void Main(string[] args)
const int countThreadsToStart = 20;
foreach (var unused in Enumerable.Range(0, countThreadsToStart))
// Instantiate thread that prints and stores its ManagedThreadId.
new Thread(() =>
// store ThreadId as an object as this forces boxing and lets us find the object on the stack via !dso in SOS.
object boxedThreadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
Console.WriteLine("Find my threadId of {0}", boxedThreadId);

Step 1, run this app in CDB:

 PS C:\hgs\ig2600_blog\FindTheThread\bin> C:\bin_drop\public_dbg_64\cdb .\Debug\FindTheThread.exe

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 6.11.0001.404 AMD64
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

CommandLine: .\Debug\FindTheThread.exe

Find my threadId of 3
Find my threadId of 4
Find my threadId of 5
Find my threadId of 6
Find my threadId of 7
Find my threadId of 8
Find my threadId of 9
Find my threadId of 10
Find my threadId of 11
Find my threadId of 12
Find my threadId of 13
Find my threadId of 14
Find my threadId of 15
Find my threadId of 16
Find my threadId of 17
Find my threadId of 18
Find my threadId of 19
Find my threadId of 20
Find my threadId of 21
Find my threadId of 22
(e28.c94): Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)
00000000`7744ef90 cc int 3
0:025> .loadby sos clr

Lets say our goal is to debug what’s running on thread 21, how do we know which thread ordinal we should debug on?   Luckily we have a !Threads command:

 0:025> !threads
ThreadCount: 22
UnstartedThread: 0
BackgroundThread: 1
PendingThread: 0
DeadThread: 0
Hosted Runtime: no
PreEmptive Lock
ID OSID ThreadOBJ State GC GC Alloc Context Domain Count APT Excepti
0 1 224c 000000000054dd80 200a020 Enabled 0000000002ac90b0:0000000002ac9fd0 00000000004ee680 0 MTA 2 2 c8c 0000000000553bd0 b220 Enabled 0000000000000000:0000000000000000 00000000004ee680 0 MTA (Finalizer)
4 3 1670 0000000000591620 200b020 Enabled 0000000002ac3be0:0000000002ac3fd0 00000000004ee680 0 MTA
5 4 1c84 0000000000578370 200b020 Enabled 0000000002ac4160:0000000002ac5fd0 00000000004ee680 0 MTA
6 5 1a54 000000000057a190 200b020 Enabled 0000000002ac6160:0000000002ac7fd0 00000000004ee680 0 MTA
7 6 2364 0000000000591f90 200b020 Enabled 0000000002aca160:0000000002acbfd0 00000000004ee680 0 MTA
8 7 b38 0000000000593570 200b020 Enabled 0000000002acc160:0000000002acdfd0 00000000004ee680 0 MTA
9 8 1c88 0000000000594df0 200b020 Enabled 0000000002ace160:0000000002acffd0 00000000004ee680 0 MTA
10 9 ef8 00000000005966b0 200b020 Enabled 0000000002ad0160:0000000002ad1fd0 00000000004ee680 0 MTA
11 a 21d0 0000000000597f70 200b020 Enabled 0000000002ad2160:0000000002ad3fd0 00000000004ee680 0 MTA
12 b 22a8 0000000000599830 200b020 Enabled 0000000002ad4160:0000000002ad5fd0 00000000004ee680 0 MTA
13 c 600 000000000059b0f0 200b020 Enabled 0000000002ad6160:0000000002ad7fd0 00000000004ee680 0 MTA
14 d 2388 000000000059c9b0 200b020 Enabled 0000000002ad8160:0000000002ad9fd0 00000000004ee680 0 MTA
15 e 19b8 000000000059e270 200b020 Enabled 0000000002ada160:0000000002adbfd0 00000000004ee680 0 MTA
16 f 1e9c 000000000059fb30 200b020 Enabled 0000000002adc160:0000000002addfd0 00000000004ee680 0 MTA
17 10 1c9c 00000000005a13f0 200b020 Enabled 0000000002ade160:0000000002adffd0 00000000004ee680 0 MTA
18 11 20c4 00000000005a2d40 200b020 Enabled 0000000002ae0160:0000000002ae1fd0 00000000004ee680 0 MTA
19 12 14bc 00000000005a4600 200b020 Enabled 0000000002ae2160:0000000002ae3fd0 00000000004ee680 0 MTA
20 13 1994 00000000005a5ec0 200b020 Enabled 0000000002ae4160:0000000002ae5fd0 00000000004ee680 0 MTA
21 14 19bc 00000000005a7780 200b020 Enabled 0000000002ae6160:0000000002ae7fd0 00000000004ee680 0 MTA
22 15 1ac 00000000005a9040 200b020 Enabled 0000000002ae8160:0000000002ae9fd0 00000000004ee680 0 MTA
23 16 2084 00000000005aa900 200b020 Enabled 0000000002aea160:0000000002aebfd0 00000000004ee680 0 MTA

In this output, the first column is the thread ordinal (which is what the ~ operator works on).  The second column, is the OSID which is the ManagedThreadID,  but is inconveniently the value is displayed in hexdecimal.  To continue we need to find the thread ordinal, given an OSID of 21 in base 16. To convert 21 to hex, use the evaluation operator (?), and pass in an explicitly base 10 number by pre-pending 0n:

 0:025> ? 0n21
Evaluate expression: 21 = 00000000`00000015

Now, re-run !threads, but pipe the output through findstr 15 . Findstr can be run via the .shell command:

 0:025> .shell -ci "!Threads" findstr 15"
15 e 19b8 000000000059e270 200b020 Enabled 0000000002ada160:0000000002adbfd0 00000000004ee680 0 MTA
22 15 1ac 00000000005a9040 200b020 Enabled 0000000002ae8160:0000000002ae9fd0 00000000004ee680 0 MTA

OSID 15, is thread 22, lets switch to it with the ~s operator:

0:025> ~22s
00000000`7745009a c3 ret

To verify we have the correct thread, we can dump the stack and inspect the boxedThreadId Object. We do this with !dso to (dump stack objects) and then run !do (dump object) on the int32.

0:022> !dso
OS Thread Id: 0x1ac (22)
RSP/REG Object Name
0000000021F7E4C0 0000000002ac2110 Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle
0000000021F7E590 0000000002ac3048 System.IO.StreamWriter
0000000021F7E5C0 0000000002ac3318 System.Byte[]
0000000021F7E5E0 0000000002ac8f60 System.Threading.ExecutionContext
0000000021F7E638 0000000002ae7fe8 System.Int32
0000000021F7E640 0000000002ac2070 System.String Find my threadId of {0}
0000000021F7E680 0000000002ac1fe8 System.Threading.ContextCallback
0000000021F7E698 0000000002ac8f60 System.Threading.ExecutionContext
0000000021F7E6A0 0000000002ac8ef8 System.Threading.ThreadHelper
0000000021F7E6B0 0000000002ac8f60 System.Threading.ExecutionContext
0000000021F7E6C0 0000000002ac3490 System.IO.TextWriter+SyncTextWriter
0000000021F7E6D0 0000000002ac8f60 System.Threading.ExecutionContext
0000000021F7E6D8 0000000002ac8ef8 System.Threading.ThreadHelper
0000000021F7E6E0 0000000002ae7fe8 System.Int32
0000000021F7E6F0 0000000002ac8ea0 System.Threading.Thread
0000000021F7E700 0000000002ac8f60 System.Threading.ExecutionContext
0000000021F7E748 0000000002ac1fe8 System.Threading.ContextCallback
0000000021F7E750 0000000002ac8f60 System.Threading.ExecutionContext
0000000021F7E760 0000000002ac8ef8 System.Threading.ThreadHelper
0000000021F7E770 0000000002ac8ef8 System.Threading.ThreadHelper
0000000021F7E7A0 0000000002ac8f60 System.Threading.ExecutionContext
0000000021F7E7B0 0000000002ac8ef8 System.Threading.ThreadHelper
0000000021F7E7C0 0000000002ac8ef8 System.Threading.ThreadHelper
0000000021F7E810 0000000002ac8f20 System.Threading.ThreadStart
0000000021F7E978 0000000002ac8f20 System.Threading.ThreadStart
0000000021F7EBB0 0000000002ac8f20 System.Threading.ThreadStart
0000000021F7EBC8 0000000002ac8f20 System.Threading.ThreadStart

0:022>!do 0000000002ae7fe8
Name: System.Int32
MethodTable: 000007fee50bc848
EEClass: 000007fee4c40890
Size: 24(0x18) bytes
File: C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_64\mscorlib\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089\mscorlib.dll
MT Field Offset Type VT Attr Value Name
000007fee50bc848 400047b 8 System.Int32 1 instance 21 m_value

Note the value is 21, exactly what we were looking for! Leave a comment if you have things you’d like to see me debug.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Use Paint.Net to Highlight key areas in an image to get your point across

Earlier, I mentioned how important communication is to software engineering. A key tool in communication is being able to highlight portions of images.  For this task I use some basic features of Paint.Net.  In the below image I want to draw your attention to the name of the dress, and the name of the color of the dress. Without these highlighted regions, it's likely your eye wouldn't have picked up the points I wanted you to see.useForPaintNet

To perform these highlights in Paint.Net do the following:

  • Copy image into Paint.Net
  • Select the ellipse tool
  • Specify Fill Options as Draw shape with outline
  • Set Secondary color(the fill color) to yellow
  • Set transparency to 50 %
  • Draw ellipse

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Cool Tools: VirtuaWin

Virtual desktop software allow you have several desktops, and switch between them easily.  This is the equivalent of virtual memory, but for desktop real estate. Good virtual desktop software allows you to move windows between virtual desktops, and will have good usability including hot keys.  VirtuaWin is a great free virtual desktop app for windows,  go install it .  Once installed you should do the following:

  •     Customize the notification area to always show the VirtuaWin Tray Icon

  •     Use C-A-Right, C-A-Left, C-A-Up, C-A-Down to navigate between your desktops

  •     Left Click on the VirtuaWin icon to interact with your windows

  •     Right Click on the VirtuaWin icon to play with settings

Enjoy, and be sure leave comments if there are tools you'd like more information on.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Cool Tools: Paint.Net

Paint.Net is a nice compromise between advanced picture editing software, and picture editing software usable by humans. The biggest problem I had with is figuring out how to download it. In what I assume is an attempt to make advertising dollars, this website exists that make it impossible to download without accidentally downloading crap.  Here's a direct download link.

Update here are my usages of Paint.Net:

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Cool IEnumerable Tricks Part 1: GroupBy

IEnumerable, or what most people refer to as LINQ, has changed the way I program. If you love LINQ and you already fully understand this blog post, leave a comment with a topic you'd like me to post about. If you're not so comfortable with LINQ, try to follow along. This post will only take a few minutes, but may change the way you program for life.

While we go through this blog post (and future posts in this series) make sure you understand how every function works, if you don't understand a function, you certainly won't understand the next function. Some of this stuff is hard to grasp and I find the best way to understand the code is to try it in a debugger. It took me a few tries to wrap my head around what is going on, so expect to spend some time experimenting with this code.

I learn best when I'm trying to solve a problem, so lets define a simple problem: How to determine if the random number generator equally distributes integers mod 10.

Step 1: Generate a stream of random numbers:

var seed = new Random();
var countSamples = 10*1000
var randomStream = Enumerable.Range(0,countSamples).Select(r=>seed.Next());

In the above sample, we generate countSamples random numbers. We do this by producing countSamples integers via Enumerables.Range, than for each of those integers we apply a transformation. In this case the transformation ignores the input value, and returns a random number.

Step 2: Compute how many of each random number have each modulus (0..9).

randomStream.GroupBy(r=>r%10).Select(x=>new {x.Key,count=x.Count()}).OrderBy(r=>r.Key);

In the above sample, we use GroupBy to split the random numbers into groups based on their %10 value. For each group, we return a new object containing the modulus (x.Key) and the count of each group. Finally we sort based on the modulus.  The output is below:

Key count





















In a future post I'll describe how to create our own IEnumerable functions.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Leading by praise: How to use a carrot when you really want a stick.

Many naive leaders believe they have two ways to enact change in their followers.  The first way is "the carrot" aka praising good behavior. The second way is "the stick"  aka criticizing bad behavior.  In my experience, the stick is extremely ineffective. I'd say the only time the stick has any positive impact is when the follower doesn't realize she's doing something wrong, or how serious that wrong thing is.  

The goal of this post is how to use a carrot when you want a stick.  First lets recall how to use a carrot effectively in general: Keep it timely, short, specific and often (the one minute manager is my hero).  Any time you see a new good behavior praise it.  When you praise,  be as specific as possible so the follower knows both the behavior you are praising and the valuable impact of that behavior.  It's easy to praise when things go well, but how do we praise when things are going poorly?

When things are going poorly, there's only one thing you can do - put your followers in a position where they perform good behaviors.  Scope their work so they have no choice but to perform good behaviors.  From that good behavior, apply praise.  Even if that behavior is accidental, still give praise.   Slowly, sometimes painfully slowly, you'll get more opportunities to give praise, and you'll get more good behaviors.  Keep giving praise, eventually the fruit of your labor will pay off.

Praising weak performers can be a time consuming delicate process, but it's like lighting a fire: at first you have to work really hard to spark the tinder, then pay close attention while the kindling catches to make sure you don't lose your delicate flame, finally you'll have a fire raging, and you can lean back and relax knowing not only have you lit a fire, but that fire can be used to light other fires.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Google killed the video store

As a younger man I remember arguing with a co-worker about the death of local storage. 

Me: Who wants to store data themselves?  I can store all data in the cloud, where it will be preserved forever!

Wiser co-worker: What incentive does this cloud have to keep your data? I'll keep my data on my local hard drive thank you very much!


8 years later my co-worker was  correct. I got the following letter from Google today:

Later this month, hosted video content on Google Video will no longer be available for playback. <snip> We’ve added a Download button to the video status page, so you can download any video content you want to save. If you don’t want to download your content, you don’t need to do anything. (The Download feature will be disabled after May 13, 2011)

Ouch for being wrong,  and double ouch for having to download all my videos to my hard drive.


  • Astute readers will note, I actually got a decent deal since I got 8 years of free storage and $/GB has plummeted in that time.

  • This isn’t the first time my “bet on a cloud service” has failed. I lost all my face tags when polar rose was bought by apple and shutdown.

  • I’m a slow learner, and still use the cloud for the primary copy of all my media.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Software Engineering “The Soft Skills”

To date, I've focused my blog on the "computer" parts of software engineering. However, as I've grown as a software engineer, one of my largest aha moments is the realization that software engineering is all about people. As such, I'll start posting articles dealing not just with computers, but also with communication, people leadership and management. These "people skills" are as important to a software engineer as the ability to crank out a design specification. For the hardcore among you that think people skills have nothing to do with software, consider this.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Impedance MisMatch: IEnumerable<T> to DataTable

I had to work with a class that consumed a System.DataTable today. DataTable is an old class that pre-dates generics in the CLR. DataTable carries typed data as an array of System.Object - double plus yuck! As you can imagine the code I use these days has compiler verified type safety by using IEnumerable everywhere. So how did I convert from my beloved IEnumerable to the yucky DataTable? With reflection of course! This simple method solves our problems:

public static DataTable ToDataTable(IEnumerable rows)
var tableToReturn = new DataTable();

// get properties of T
var properties = typeof (T).GetProperties().Where(p => p.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property);

// Convert T's properties to columns in the DataTable
foreach (var p in properties)
tableToReturn.Columns.Add(p.Name, p.PropertyType);

//populate rows
foreach (var row in rows)
T row1 = row;
var propertyValuesAsEnumerable = properties.Select(p => p.GetValue(row1, null));
return tableToReturn;

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Powershell script to enable windows to capture localhost traffic in wireshark

If you want to understand why the following scripts work read this post. Otherwise just paste the following into an elevated powershell window:

Setup windows networking to allow localhost capturing in wireshark:
# Find the network configuration that has the default gateway.
$defaultAdapter = Get-WMIObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration | ? {$_.DefaultIPGateway}
if (@($defaultAdapter).Length -ne 1) {throw "You don't have 1 default gateway, your network configuration is not supported" }
# Route local IP address via the default gateway
route add $defaultAdapter.IPAddress[0] $defaultAdapter.DefaultIPGateway
Write-Host "Start capturing on localhost by connecting to $($defaultAdapter.IPAddress[0])"

Return windows networking to normal configuration:

# Find the network configuration that has the default gateway.
$defaultAdapter = Get-WMIObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration | ? {$_.DefaultIPGateway}
if (@($defaultAdapter).Length -ne 1) {throw "You don't have 1 default gateway, your network configuration is not supported" }

# Stop routing localhost traffic to the router.
route delete $defaultAdapter.IPAddress[0]

Remember, you won’t see traffic to localhost ( but traffic to your network adapter’s IP address as listed in the script.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

How did we get a 53 byte packet size in ATM?

I'll be honest, I don't know squat about ATM, but I was having lunch with this fellow, and he told me the story of the 53 byte ATM packet. 

You can find more details on Wikipedia, but here’s the synopsis:

(Disclaimer: I’m not an expert in ATM; nor am I trying to teach you technical details about ATM networks; so I’ll hand wave and trade off accuracy for simplicity. For example, ATM does have variable sized packets which it divides into cells, and it is the cells which are 53 bytes long. However, since the closest thing to a cell in common networks is an Ethernet packet, I’ll simply refer to cells as packets.)

ATM is designed to be shared between data network applications, and voice network applications(+).

In data networks we want large packets because this gives maximum efficiency.  This is because each packet has a fixed size header and thus the more data you can transmit per packet , the higher your ‘real’ throughput.

For voice networks we want to reduce latency.  Latency is the fancy word for delay.

If voice packets are delayed, you’ll hear them at the receiver as an echo; this is un-acceptable and thus to mitigate delays you’d need to install an echo canceller (++).
In the USA, the country was big enough (+++) that no matter how small the packet size was chosen to be, you’d always need echo cancellers – therefore America proposed an optimal packet size of 64 bytes.

In France, which was much smaller then America, if the packet size was chosen to be 32 bytes the packet could get from one end of the country to the other without enough delay to require echo cancellers. Thus France pushed for a 32 byte packet size.

To achieve consensus, a compromise was required and a 48 byte payload size was chosen.  This did not meet France’s need, nor was it optimal for the US; however, this is what happens when you require consensus.
But wait you ask, where do the last 5 bytes come from? Ah, the committee was very concerned about the overhead of the packet header, so the committee decided the packet header could not exceed 10% of the packet size, thus the committee chose a 5 byte header.  48 + 5 == the 53 byte ATM packet size; which is the optimal solution for no one.

(+) At the time ATM was designed, people made long distance calls over voice networks.
(++) If you’re old enough to remember the early days of skype, you needed to use headphones otherwise the echo was unbearable. Today computers are powerful enough to do echo cancellation without blinking.
(+++) Compute big enough by calculating time required for light to traverse the USA.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The cloud lets you evaluate the cost of performance optimizations

One of the things I love about cloud computing is you can put an honest price on computing time.  You can than balance the human engineering time required to optimize code (and often have more complex code) vs just paying for the cloud to do it.  The Zillow rent estimate post speaks to this brilliantly:

We implemented the Rent Zestimation process as a software application taking input from Zillow databases and producing an output table with about 100 million rows.

We deploy this software application into a production environment using Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud.  The total time to complete a run is four hours using four of Amazon EC2 instances of Extra-Large-High-CPU type.  This type of machine costs $1.16/hr.  Thus, it costs us about $19 to produce 100 million Rent Zestimates which is the same as a 3-D movie ticket or about 5 gallons of gasoline in New York City today.

A few things to note about this quote:

  • If your data processing can be done in parallel, you’d have the same cost but at a lower time since you can run all instances in parallel
  • If your data processing must be done in serial, and you want results faster than the largest instance can compute them, buy some coffee you’ll be up doing optimizations.
  • Gas prices are through the roof in New York

Friday, March 11, 2011

Using LINQ to XML from F# (and a bit of duck typing for fun)

So you want to use XML from F#? here are the tips and tricks I discovered today to clear my roadblocks.

Tip 1: Reference the System.XML assembly from FSI so you play with the REPL. To do this I add the #r in block comments at the top of the file  like so:

(* Press Alt-' to send the below to the interpreter.
#r @"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\System.Xml.Linq.dll"
open System.Xml.Linq
Tip 2: F# doesn’t perform implicit conversions. Lets assume you’re translating the following C# code:

var xelements = XElement.Parse("<myXML/>");
var interestingElements = xelements.Descendants("myXML");
The naive translation below doesn’t work because XElement.Decendants doesn’t take a string, it takes an XName

//FAILS to compile This expression was expected to have type XName but here has type string 
let interestingElements = xelements.Descendants "myXML"
The reason the above code works in C# is because an implicit conversion operator exists and is called. However in F# implicit conversions are not called, and you have to call them yourself, something like the painful to read:

let interestingElements = xelements.Descendants <| XName.op_Implicit "myXML"; 
Now, it turns out we can use duck typing to make an implicit conversion operator (this is mentioned lots of places on the web but I’ll repeat it for succinctness)

// Create an implicit conversion operator, it's inline which means it will work on any types that support the implicit conversion.
// This is duck typing.
let inline convert_implicit(arg : ^source) : ^target = ((^source or ^target) : (static member op_Implicit : ^source -> ^target) (arg))
And finally we can write the code I needed:

let interestingElements = xelements.Descendants <|  convert_implicit "myXML"; 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Supply, demand and the trackball market.

The author of this blog is a devout trackball man, and as any devout trackball man can tell you, it has been trying times for trackball users in the last few years. You see trackballs were never really in style, and no one has made a new trackball for a while.  It's so bad out there that one of my favorite trackballs now sells used for over 200$ and new for 500$.

Crazier than that you can send away to get your trackball reconditioned on ebay, for a whopping 100$, where they'll clean it and put on a new cord.  

Thankfully, there has been movement in the trackball market. Logitech released a new wireless trackball!!! So far I love the tiny USB receiver (which fits in the trackball when not in use). I wish the trackball was larger, but we’ll see how I enjoy using it over the coming months.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Decoding Ubuntu Version Numbers

I've always been fond of the Ubuntu code names, "breezy badger" and  "warty warthog" are some of my favorites. I know the code names are in alphabetical order, but I never understood how the Ubuntu folks got the version numbers. Why does 10.10 come after 10.04? Today I realized it's because the version numbers are release dates,  and releases are every April and October. So, this April's release "Natty Narwhal" will be 11.04.  Learn something new every day.  Oh and if you don't know what a  narwhal is,  it's  worth checking out.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

If you run firefox– install https everywhere now

I'll do a post later about session hijacking, firesheep and the evils of non https based websites. In the meantime, if you use firefox be sure to the run the https everywhere extension.  Without https everywhere I would be concerned about accessing my accounts on a public wifi network.  HTTPS Everywhere forces the browser to use https when accessing any website that supports both http and https.

(By the way If you have a security question, or question on any of the topics I cover on my blog leave a comment and I’ll be happy to do a post answering your questions)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The 3 A's of security when buying a coffee

The three A's of security are  authorization, authentication and auditing.  While these A's apply to computer security they are also present in most transactions.  For example, lets look at what happens when Igor wants to buy a coffee:

When Igor goes to buy a coffee with his credit card, the cashier starts by asking Igor for a Picture ID, then the cashier swipes Igor's card (which dials the head office to make sure there is money), finally a receipt is

printed. After all that Igor gets his coffee. Let's look at the 3 A's in this transaction

  • Authentication - Prove the entity is the entity -  Ensure Igor is Igor by making sure the picture on his drivers license matches his face.

  • Authorization - Prove an entity is allowed to do something - Ensure Igor is allowed to place a 5$ charge on his credit card.

  • Auditing - Record what has occurred - Write down that a coffee was purchased.

Authentication, Authorization, and Auditing in the coffee shop

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Why do I keep getting exception code e0434352?

If you want to know how to debug CLR exceptions using cdb then read this post.

Exception code e0434352 is the exception code used internally by the CLR to represent most exceptions(*).

Regardless of if you throw a System.NullReferenceException or a System.ArgumentException in C#, you'll throw a SEH exception e0434352 under the covers.

A fun way to validate this theory is to watch what happens to the CLR exceptions settings in cdb. Fire up cdb, and see the state of clr exceptions:

0:000> .shell -ci "sx" findstr clr
clr - CLR exception - second-chance break - not handled
clrn - CLR notification exception - break - handled
.shell: Process exited

Now, set the exception handler for exception number e0434352 and recheck the value of the clr exception handler:

0:000> sxe e0434352
0:000> .shell -ci "sx" findstr clr
clr - CLR exception - break - not handled
clrn - CLR notification exception - break - handled
.shell: Process exited

Armed with this knowledge I expect this post makes more sense.

NitPickers Corner:

(*) I know of at least Divide by Zero not using this exception code.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Using NUnit to explore static field initialization

Given the following code:

class Constants
public static readonly Constants Instance = new Constants();
public static readonly string ApplicationName = "ig2600";
public readonly string CachedClassName;

public Constants()
CachedClassName = GetQualifiedClassName("Constants");

public static string GetQualifiedClassName(string className)
return string.Format("{0}::{1}", ApplicationName, className);

Which of the below tests pass?

public class TestConstants
public class TestConstants
public void TestOne()
Assert.That(Constants.Instance.CachedClassName, Is.EqualTo("ig2600::Constants"));

public void TestTwo()
Assert.That(Constants.Instance.CachedClassName, Is.EqualTo("::Constants"));

Not sure? Download the code with mercurial from, then fire up VS and NUnit, and look at the StaticFieldMystery project.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Four Visual Studio Extensions You Need To Be Using

I spend a lot of time in Visual Studio and these extensions  make visual studio even more awesome.  If you haven't used VS to install  extensions, it's  trivial.  Follow along by doing:

Tools -> Extension Manager -> Online Gallery -> Search

Here are the extensions  I use, and strongly recommend you try. I have seen no adverse problems from running any of these extensions.  Here are the extensions I use:

Productivity Power Tools (by Microsoft; free):

Adds a Solution Navigator,  a better Solution Explorer,  and cool tabs features like pinning and color coding by project.

PowerCommmands for Visual Studio (by Microsoft, free): 

Several random features, the ones I really enjoy are Open Commmand Prompt here and Open Containing Folder.

NuGet Package Manager (by Micosoft, free): 

A package manager for .net. Say you want to use an open source library in your VS project, you open package manager and say Install-Package . With that the project you requested along with it's dependancies are downloaded and liked to your project. Must have when working with popular .net projects.

Resharper (by Jetbrains, 199$) This is "the" extension for visual studio. If you haven't used it, get the trial, I suspect you'll conclude it's worth paying for.  Resharper has several strong refactorings, plugins to fix stylecop errors, and first class support for running NUnit. 

VSVim (by Jared Parsons, free)

If you don't love VI you skip this.  If you love VIM you get a fifth must use extension.  VsVim gives VIM keybindings to visual studio. It  still has some warts, but it's being actively developed and gets better every release. 

Again, I strongly recommend if you use Visual Studio that you try out these extensions right now, trust me, it’s worth the effort.

Monday, January 17, 2011

SSDs rock - but not for the reasons you think

I bit the bullet and picked up an SSD. It's expensive, but it had some surprising benefits. The normally quoted benefit is speed - which I really don't notice. Most operations went from some annoying amount of time, to some other annoying amount of time. I did notice two things:

1) Silence:  I'm so used to hearing my laptop harddrive I couldn't figure out what I was missing - there is no more annoying grindings; clicking or whirring.

2) Coolness: SSD's run cooler - which means less spinning fan, which means more silence

In theory the SSD should also help with the dropping (my last HDD got some bad sectors after a short fall) - so far very true.

(Update: A short,  highly entertaining talk about SSDs - mostly for servers here)